A few days ago I had to share about Need for Speed Hot Pursuit with a very large size which is 7 GB of graphics quality that is perfect. Well, this time I tried to continue the game with the introduction of the comrades of the sequel version of the Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2. And this time also somewhat different, because I share a file is portable with a very small size is about 300 MB (very small when compared to the original size). The purpose of the portable are his friends can play directly without performing the installation on a computer, not a lot of practical and eating places. Of course using a portable game, there are disadvantages. One drawback is in terms of game graphics are not as perfect as the installation, as I posted a few days ago. But surely we do not need a long time to download, which I share files measuring 121 MB and if extracted into 348 MB. Even so, the graphics tetep good too you know. Try to prove his own game.
First try the game, got a bit confused as well because it was different from previous versions. There are several modes, including Hot Pursuit, Championship, Multiplayer, etc.. If you select Hot Pursuit mode, there will be challenges that must be overcome in order. If the first challenge is unsuccessful, the next challenge will not open. The first challenge is very easy, we just run the car alone until the finish to elude police. When I arrived at the third challenge, which is racing with another car as he intercepted a lot of police cars, wah incredibly hard. I myself do not ever fail to continue to qualify. I was so annoyed, I immediately turn off the game wrote, hehe. Maybe my friends are already good to share the trick.

How to drive it is also more difficult than in previous NFS Hot Pursuit. Easy to lose control of the car when the crash into another vehicle, police cars, even crashing into a tree could be if driving at high speed. If the field once the race was very exciting, especially if it is in the middle of the woods as in the picture above. And if you noticed, every race track there is a shortcut that can be passed, and this will certainly speed up until the finish line.
Immediately wrote to download the game. I do not know the minimum specifications clearly. I have tried with two laptops and really work. How to play it:
- After you download the file, extract it first.
- Click the "RegSetup" to completion
- OK
- Click on the application "NFSHP2"
- Enjoy the game