Games Super Shot Soccer football lately seems not to know already . When I was first smp nggemari awful lot this game . Even a rival winning eleven at the time. For those who like ps1 already know Super Shot Soccer , a football game that consists of team - team world ( Indonesia is not included , hehe ) compete for the championship . Uniquely ... and great ... skills they have extraordinary great . If you ever watch the movie kung fu shaolin soccer or soccer , or if in a cartoon no Tsubasa captai , then this is the game that may be similar to the films . Super Shot Soccer is a football game with super powers that each state has its own characteristic . Not only on tehni shot , but survived techniques , techniques in the race and keep the ball also featured on this exciting game . Just as in football in general , the time , place , and audience as well as games such as soccer winning eleven and PES . Despite the great powers , the players will not be injured if exposed to attack , usually because they are exposed to sliding injuries tikle usual . So no matter if attacked with a continuous tactics .

The game of football games Super Shot Soccer has graphics similar to winning eleven on playstation 1. I do not know if there is a super shot soccer version for PS 2. Sound effects accompany the moment when the match-jurusnya out was very good indeed, as if the great add-jurusnya stance. This game ISO format, because basically this is the kind of game and it took PSX emulator to play it. Please visit this page to get and know how to use them. With it you can set whether to use a keyboard or a joystick to play. My advice if you want to use a joystick just to play ball. You see, the ball game is very complex, it's rather difficult when using the keyboard. If I myself have often played ball with the keyboard, so it is common, and often beat my friends who use the joystick.